White ManTime Star.
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Embark on a Journey of Spiritual Growth

What is ManTime?

ManTime uses parables: the teaching method favored by Jesus. Men work together in small teams to discern the parable’s deeper meaning. And as they do, the parable’s message is implanted in their hearts.

Do you want to Lead a ManTime Group? Sign Up Below

A little story with a bigger meaning

Gather your group and present the video parable, a visually intriguing narrative lasting less than a minute. The parable’s meaning remains initially elusive, concluding with “The Big Question” to ignite the first round of discussions. Organize the men into groups, encouraging them to collaboratively decipher the parable’s deeper significance.

Engage in puzzlement, discussion, and perhaps even debate within each group. After a designated period, each group shares its interpretation, followed by the leader playing the corresponding interpretation video. With the parable’s meaning revealed, initiate an in-depth discussion among the men, ideally in smaller groups of 3-4 individuals.

As the meeting concludes, distribute QR codes so that each participant can access the parable on their phones. Challenge each man to share the parable with family, friends, and on social media platforms.

Parables have been used for centuries to build character in men, and parables were Jesus’ go-to method of teaching.

How did ManTime come about?

ManTime creator, David Murrow has interacted with hundreds of church-based men’s leaders in the past two decades.

Here are the two questions he most often hears:
How do I get more guys involved in our men’s ministry?
Why is it so hard to get young men involved?

Murrow was stumped. So he turned to the Bible, to see how Jesus discipled his men. And he was surprised by what he found:

“Jesus spoke all these things to the crowd in parables; he did not say anything to them without using a parable.”
~ Matthew 13:34 (NIV)

David thought to himself, “We’ve flipped this. We don’t say anything to them with a parable.” Two verses later, Matthew tells us the rest of the story:

“Then he (Jesus) left the crowd and went into the house. His disciples came to him and said, “Explain to us the parable of the weeds in the field.”
~ Matthew 13:36 (NIV)

This passage unlocks the teaching brilliance of Jesus. While his rivals (the Pharisees) used lengthy lectures to deliver truth, Jesus used parables to help men discover the truth.

ManTime follows this ancient script. We use the same process to implant Biblical truth in the hearts of men.

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LiveUp Resources, a department of Pennsylvania Counseling Services, Inc.